Will your Congregation welcome our CHL Classes?
Howard teaching LTC/CHL Class at First United Methodist Church In Terrell, Texas.
Why are these classes held in Churches?
Howard Pearlman teaches a variety of classes regarding firearms. And yes, his CHL classes are frequently held at places of worship. This may seem odd at first glance. Yet when a person realizes that this class is a safety class, they begin to feel more at ease. This class, sponsored by the State of Texas’s Department of Public Safety, is primarily designed to save lives and keep us all out of harm’s way by teaching us how to stay safe while avoiding unnecessary risk and deterring violent situations.
This class will also discuss methods of communication with others during stressful and potentially lethal encounters, and ways to mitigate the inherent dangers of violent encounters.
It is of paramount importance to understand that deadly force is to be used only when necessary to protect the lives of yourself, your loved ones and others. Deadly force is not to be used when you can, but only when you must and in such a way as to protect you and those around you not only from the immediate potentially lethal encounter but also from the aftermath of said volatile situation.
We have found that many people decide to take the lecture portion of the class alone as an important safety class with no intention of taking the shooting portion later. In addition, many parents encourage their teen aged children and their friends to take the “lecture” portion of the class relating to the non-violent dispute resolution techniques that are presented and potentially life-saving.
Laser Training portion of class held in Beckley Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas.
Shooting lessons given by Howard Pearlman after CHL Lecture portion, and during scheduled "Office Hours"
advantages of Learning to shoot with laser training devices
In the image above, Howard is instructing a student demonstrating proper pistol grip while using our Laser Training Devices. These Laser Training Devices are available to students during Howard’s “Office Hours” at the shooting range or other venues.
While your favorite sporting goods store tends not to advocate the use of laser training devices, their job is to sell ammo. Laser training teaches you to shoot accurately, and to develop the correct muscle memory while correctly gripping your weapon. Proper pistol grip is important to avoid injuring your hands as illustrated in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a1eY-uJ8CI
Target practice at LoneStar Gun Club
1. The first concept to be addressed is Conflict Avoidance. The best scenario is always the one where you and those close to you are never involved in a life endangering situation.
You will learn a number of techniques to de-escalate situations.This portion is critical knowledge for teenagers. Nearly as much time is spent on these techniques as is spent on the Laws of Use of Deadly Force.
NOTE: Live your life to avoid conflict whenever possible! Avoid situations and places that foster conflict that may escalate into a situation where deadly force may become an element. Deadly force is usually the result of failure of deterrence and/or negotiation or communication.
2. The second concept: (While "tongue in cheek") is: “Hide!” “Run Away!” “Run Away!
3. The third section will familiarize you with concepts such as “Stand Your Ground” and “Castle Doctrine.” However, many times the safest course of action and the best tactical solution is to retreat if you can without further compromising your and others’ safety. The optimal course of action many times, therefore is to retreat; stay out of harm’s way.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to retreat, or if you are unable to retreat further, be able to document yourself as a reluctant participant in any scenario where Deadly Force may be involved.
Do not use lethal force because you can, but use it ONLY when you MUST. Then use it decisively with tactices that give you the advantage, and only to, stop the threat according to the Laws of Use of Force in Texas: (Rules of Engagement).
NOTE: There is NO magic bullet that will seek out the bad guy/intruder that will avoid harming innocents. Bullets have no intelligence in themselves. The best and only protection is in the techniques of planning, preparation and practice. And when the need arises the execution of focused Lethal Force is to be used only to stop the threat.
No Military Officer wants a Meeting Engagement (a pitched battle) if it can at all be avoided. Unlike a military unit with an acceptable loss factor in battle, where a family is endangered, the acceptable loss factor is zero!
Safe storage of firearms
What your most likely physical and mental status will be after the aggressor confronts you and your family
When and How to call the Authorities
How to interact with Law Enforcement after an incident.
How to avoid being a victim of police misadventure (Don’t get shot accidently shot by the police.)
What to expect from Law Enforcement after an incident
Planning for your legal defense, both Criminal and Civil
Lastly, a tip or two (and where to take classes) for Trauma and Wound Care.
Howard delivery Lecture Portion of Class in Dallas, Texas.
Portion of Display Tables at Church of Christ.
Ladies handling Revolver with Laser Training Device.
Proper pistol grip is important to prevent injury. Photo by Don Brooks
what will my chl class cost?
CHL/LTC (License to Carry) Classes cost $125.00 including course materials per participant and may be taken as group, or as individual or small private classes in homes, businesses or other locations.
Prices may be discounted (to $65.00) for Veterans (with DD2-14s or other credentials), Peace Officers, and Firemen. In some rare cases, and at the discretion of Howard Pearlman, a student’s fee may be waived.
Maximum Class size is 10 students.
The class (lecture portion) length is six hours long.
The shooting portion of the test generally lasts about one hour for those who are familiar with target practice.
One does not need to take the shooting test directly following the lecture portion of the class. Either portion may be separated by two years. If the two year time limit is exceeded, then the first portion of the class must be repeated.
A typical range fee is $20.00 per person on week ends. However on week days, the range fees are less expensive; $10.00 to $15.00.
The typical cost of range ammo for the shooting portion is approximately $15.00 to $23.00 per box (depending on caliber and point of purchase). Qualification requires 50 rounds of ammo. On average, a proficient shooter will need one box of ammo for practice, and will need an additional box to qualify.
An average/novice shooter will spend an hour or so practicing with our laser training device at the church or other location prior to practicing with .22 live ammo at the range with two to three boxes of ammo prior to qualification. One more box of the appropriate caliber for automatic pistol will be needed to qualify.
A student may choose to bring their own weapon to class and to use to qualify on the range. However if any person does not bring a weapon to class, Howard will supply a number of firearms that a one may choose from, handle and qualify with.
For students having no familiarity with firearms, and those who are interested in sampling an array of firearms, we have “office hours” where we provide laser training, followed by live fire practice at various ranges.
advaNtages of smaller and private classes
Howard offers individual attention in Small Private & Semi-Private Classes held in comfortable settings that are no more expensive than the large impersonal classes held in Shooting Ranges.
First of all, Howard’s preferable private or semi-private class size is smaller (ideally six students or less and may consist of a husband, wife, and other family member(s) possibly including teen age children and/or a friend or two. Classes are frequently held in students' homes and are tailored to fit the attendees’ needs while affording personal and thoughtful attention to each individual’s questions and concerns.
Visualize a small class that is given for a couple comfortably in their home. You will notice several distinct advantages that are not available to students who take the larger group classes at a shooting range or similar venue where typically only the husband will attend. In this small home class, individual attention will be given . The structure of the home will be taken into account as well as the capablities and duties of the famely members the most viable escape paths, where to make a stand and : How to communicate in the heat of a violent encounter.
We also offer small to medium size classes for business entities and such classes may held at their place of business, if desired.
In these types of settings the students’ privacy is assured and their circumstances and questions are not overheard by outsiders.
In a standard class setting, however, such as those that are generally held at a shooting range, or similar venue, the standard CHL/LTC class may be filled with as many as 50 students or more. As a function of he class size, it is impersonal in nature as it is presented to a random group of attendees. In this type of setting, applicants will be less willing to ask questions, mention thier circumstances and voice their concerns openly.