NRA, CHL & RSO Instructor: Howard Pearlman

When you want to learn about the use of lethal force, weapons safety and use Howard is the man to help with any questions you may have. In addition to being an NRA Instructor, Certified Handgun, Certified Rifle, Certified Muzzleloading  Shotgun, Certified Muzzleloading Rifle, Certified Muzzleloading Pistol, and Certified Senior Range Officer and Texas Certified CHL (Concealed Handgun License)/License to Carry Instructor.

                 Gary Sawyer,         Former Deputy Sheriff, Texas

                 Gary Sawyer,         Former Deputy Sheriff, Texas

Testimonial of Gary Sawyer, former Deputy Sheriff in Cheyenne, Wyoming and in Hunt County, Collin County, and Rockwall County, Texas: 

"I heartily recommend Howard Pearlman to anyone who is interested in Concealed Handgun Licenses, and/or weapons training including pistol, rifle, and shotgun. I admire his conservative attitude regarding deadly force and the manner in which he presents these concepts to his students." ...

"Throughout my years as a Deputy County Sheriff in the state of Texas I have seen quite a number of disputes. Not surprisingly, a number of these incidents involved assaults, involving a misuse of weapons including firearms.

Deaths by gunshot wounds both accidental and deliberately caused by humans is being reported by the news on a daily basis. It is a frequent topic of conversation and subject of heated arguments with strong opinions regarding Second Amendment Rights and the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) law that allows certain Texans to apply for and obtain a license to carry Concealed Handguns that has heightened the interest in self defense and the ability to be armed against life endangering threat.

To keep up with the demand for the number of Texans who choose to apply for the CHL License, the State has trained, tested and qualified a number of instructors to teach the required classes and assist the applicants in passing the required proficiency tests. The State will accept these applications, which are submitted directly by each applicant. The State, upon review of the test results, background checks , and fingerprint analysis of the applicants the it will be officially decided whether or not there will be issued the desired CHL License.

Some of these CHL classes are held in commercial locations for moderate or larger sized groups. Other instructors choose to teach smaller, more personalized classes custom tailored to the students' needs. These smaller more personalized classes may be held in each individual student’s home, in the instructors home, or some other semi private loca-tion.

As these smaller classes are individualized with fewer attendees, (private lessons are available as are classes for a couple, or a small group of friends/family) each student has ample opportunities to have his or her questions and concerns thoughtfully addressed inan easily understandable manner by a well­qualified instructor often with visual aids and handouts.

In this scenario the explanation of the Law regarding the handling of firearms is not theoretic, but uniquely applicable to each person’s situation and concern: (What shall I doif....?), (What type of gun safe do you recommend?) Etc.

Lastly, I am particularly impressed with a uniquely knowledgeable CHL instructor well suited for such small groups: Howard Pearlman teaches CHL and variousNRA firearms hand-ling classes on a personal level. He adapts his lesson plans to include attention to the needs of his students, their questions, and concerns.

His classes typically consist of up to four or five students or as few as one or two students and are often held in the home of the host. As approximately half of the class is devoted to Texas Law regarding firearms, the law part of the class is followed by a lunch break. 

Following the lunch break the second half of the class is held in a leadfree,comfortable air conditioned (or heated as the temperature drops) shooting range forguidance in weapon handling and testing each student to help them pass their handgun proficiency tests.

If requested, Class times may be scheduled to be completed in two sessions to accommodate applicant's schedules. Howard provides pistols for those who have not yet purchased a pistol. He will familiarize each student with the pros and cons of various hand guns.

I heartily recommend Howard Pearlman to anyone who is interested in ConcealeHandgun Licenses, and/or weapons training including pistol, rifle, and shotgun. I admire his conservative attitude regarding deadly force and the manner in which he presents these concepts to his students."

Jake Freudenthal,  Helice World Cup Shoot, Bologns, Italy 2014

Jake Freudenthal,  Helice World Cup Shoot, Bologns, Italy 2014

Rich Freudenthal's Testimonal (Rich is the Father of        World Champion, Jake Freudenthal:) 

Howard Pearlman was instrumental in helping my son Jake win the Bronze Medal in the World Cup Sporting Event in Helice and to become the youngest World Champion in Shogun Sports.

As a parent of a World Champion I have had a number of people help Jake achieve his goals and I have found that Howard is one of the best coaches in connecting with his students.

When I needed a Concealed Carry License for myself, I took a private class from Howard and he did not disappoint.

I was impressed with his teaching abilities I signed up my daughter for his Handgun 101 Class.  With Howard as her instructor she soon became a safe and competent hand gun user.  I heartily recommend Howard to anyone interested in any shooting classes, or CHL classes.  

Thomas Kucemba, Texas License to Carry Recipient

Thomas Kucemba, Texas License to Carry Recipient

Thomas Kucemba's Testimonial

Residing in Texas after growing up in Poland I became interested in firearms and the Concealed Carry laws and decided that I would like to learn about guns and shooting.  I searched for and investigated classes that were advertised and available from a number of instructor’s schools.  They all seemed so expensive and I wondered why there were. 

One day a friend of mine told me that he would teach me to shoot for free.  It sounded like good deal and certainly affordable so I decided to give it a try.  So we made plans and so I went with my friend and his buddies to an open field where I was given a brief instruction on how to load and fire a pistol.  Unfortunately, no safety instructions were given to me at that time other than “Don’t do anything stupid” and “Watch out who you’re pointing that gun at.”  I was disillusioned to say the least.  There had to be more to it than that.

Several months later I had the good fortune to hear about Howard Pearlman, an NRA Certified Instructor and his Handgun 101/ aka NRA First Step Online Program  and Concealed Carry Classes.  Three hundred dollars seemed like a lot of money for the Handgun 101 Class for beginners.  In addition, Howard also wanted a day and a half time commitment for the training and testing.  On the other hand, after the field disaster fiasco I had endured I was willing to spend some money on quality training.  

The NRA First Step Online Program training came first and initially went well.  Then I got involved in other distractions.  Then Howard contacted me and encouraged me to complete the class. After we got back together he allowed me to handle firearms similar to the ones in the instructional videos.  Upon the completion of the test and after the printing of my NRA Completion Certificate, Howard went over some safety protocols after which I began training in earnest with real firearms fitted with laser training devices rather than ammunition.  I had options with at least eleven different firearms and I initially worked with five different firearms that intrigued me. I settled on a 1911 Platform ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol).  The .38 Special Smith & Wesson four inch was also one of my favorites.

I enjoyed Howard instructing me with the laser training device.  I then learned the “Weaver” and the “Isosceles” Techniques and practiced with him for nearly four

hours.  I nearly wore out my trigger finger, (Ouch!)  while doing all sorts of drills for speed and accuracy.

After a candy bar break, and resting my trigger finger I took a practice test of the Texas Qualification Course with the laser training device and scored ninety percent.  What an accomplishment! 

On the following week end we went to a shooting range.  I had a very different feeling there than I had experienced during the “Field of Disaster” training with my friend’s “free” lesson.

Prior to the Qualification Test Howard had me shoot a .22 caliber revolver and a .22 conversion unit on a 1911 (frame type) pistol.  After about two hours of .22 training and another candy bar break, I shot a/(the) Texas Qualification Course with a 1911 pistol and the revolver.  I passed the test with high marks!

We went to lunch and came back to the range, Howard had me shoot three magazines out of the 1911 and the .45 ACP and three or four cylinders of .38s in the revolver.  As much as I liked the 1911 ACP, I decided the revolver was a better choice for me. 

Howard continued training me with targets in various distances in Weaver and in Isosceles methods and in dumping the empties with a good thump on the injector rod and using “Speedloaders” to reload more ammo.  I must have shot at least four more boxes of ammunition. 

I really appreciated Howard’s patience and slow but steady approach. He had a sold plan which I followed.  I felt comfortable with the upcoming Texas Qualification Test which I passed with a nearly perfect score.  Now I believe the three hundred dollars and two and a half days training was probably one the best values I have received in recent memory. 

I recommend Howard Pearlman to anyone wanting to learn to shoot.  He has the demeanor and a calm and steady way of showing a person what he or she needs to learn.  While we were at the range I noted that a number of instructors getting loud with their students.  In contrast, Howard was always calm, patient and focused on my learning experience.  I always felt safe.  He is probably one of the best instructors I have ever had in any subject and I always have felt secure and comfortable with him.  I have a Master’s Degree in Marketing and a EuropeanTradesman Certificate so I have experienced more than a few instructors and I highly recommend Howard to anyone in need of firearms training.





Walter Pattons' Testimonial

As the owner and manager of a shooting Range for the past several years in Kaufman County, Texas I have met and evaluated several Concealed Handgun (CHL) instructors.

When the time came that my family was ready for their individual CHL licenses we opted for a small class for my wife and son.  I chose Howard Pearlman for their CHL instructor.  We were pleased with his class and with Howard's teaching style.  Enough said. 



             Dale Clark, DFW Airport                              Public Safety Officer.

             Dale Clark, DFW Airport                              Public Safety Officer.

Dale Clark's Testimonial

 I have known Howard     Pearlman for over twenty years.  During this time he has continued to impress me with his in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Laws of the State of Texas regarding the lawful use of force and its applications.  He counsels his students to be ever vigilant and cautious in avoiding possible dangerous scenarios and confrontations with others and understanding the importance of avoiding possible risky situations regarding the lawful use of force to avoid dangerous situations and the possibilities of becoming ensnared in resultant lawsuits.

Walter Pattons' Testimonial

As the owner and manager of a shooting Range for the past several years in Kaufman County, Texas I have met and evaluated several Concealed Handgun (CHL)/License to Carry  instructors.

When the time came that my family was ready for their individual CHL licenses we opted for a small class for my wife and son.  I chose Howard Pearlman for their CHL instructor.  We were pleased with his class and with Howard's teaching style.  Enough said.