More Testimonials

Below are more recent testimonials from Howard's Classes

                     "Big Al" Live Fire Shooting a .44 Magnum with a 7 1/2" barrel during "Office Hours".                         &nbs…

                     "Big Al" Live Fire Shooting a .44 Magnum with a 7 1/2" barrel during "Office Hours".                                                        This is not a normal self defense gun.   ~    Photo by Don Brooks.   

Firearm display table from our recent chl\ltc class 

                   Pistol array for training puposes and student's perusal at Howard's recent CHL/LTC class.

                   Pistol array for training puposes and student's perusal at Howard's recent CHL/LTC class.

Tim’s (Facility Manager’s) Testimonial

As a lay leader and the facilities manager at New Life Church in Garland, I was intrigued to learn that Howard Pearlman had reserved the classroom in our church for the purpose of teaching a CHL (Concealed Handgun License)/LTC (License to Carry) class for our congregants.

I had taken the same class previously from another instructor that I had not been favorably impressed with.  While I did feel that the material taught in the previous class was pertinent, I had a hard time with the vernacular that instructor had used. Language was being used that was liberally sprinkled with obscenities and the vulgar use of the Lord’s name.  Listening to that fellow speaking so crudely left me feeling uncomfortable and turned me off to his message. 

Following that disappointing experience, Mr. Pearlman offered my wife and I the opportunity to “audit” the lecture portion of his upcoming class at our church.  Truthfully, I expected to be underwhelmed as he was coming to our church and had no fixed lecture room.

Rather than being disappointed again, I felt pleasantly surprised.  Howard arrived with a demeanor that came across as a mature, knowledgeable and grandfatherly.  His appearance was a noticeable contrast to the “Rambo” infantry type personality of the previous instructor that had made me feel so downbeat and uncomfortable.

While the material Mr. Pearlman covered was very similar to that used by the previous instructor, his approach was quite different.  Howard did not use objectionable language while he demonstrated a professional appearance and demeanor.  Howard brought in a generous selection of training aids, pistols and other items of interest for shooters.

He also provided folders with informational course materials, just over ¼” thick for the students to back up the points of discussion with illustrations of items he was explaining to us as he covered them.  At the other facility, there were no handouts available.

Howard stressed deterrence using threat management techniques and non-violent dispute techniques.  He also emphasized that while the true key to a safer lifestyle is important, only after these efforts have failed should one resort to deadly force. 

It is advantageous for both adult individuals in the home to have this safety training, and in many cases for the attending spouse to also obtain the CHL license. He underscored the importance of the husband and wife team in keeping the family safe. He also reminded us that every life has value even the life of the person who is threatening to do bodily harm.

I really liked his method of laser training.  Initially I thought that it wasn’t possible that this type of safe firearm handling and accuracy training could be as effective as trips to the range and shooting live ammo. But I was mistaken!  His complimentary “Office Hours” at the range before or after the class for anyone who has taken any kind of a shooting class with him are definitely a hit with all of his students. 

At first glance Howard’s classes are a little bit more expensive than some of the others, but there is so much included in one price while there is no additional cost for the handgun lessons.  That complimentary additional training is always welcome.  

Lastly, I had initial thoughts that this class would be a one-time event but I was mistaken!  Our church membership, upon learning about this fledgling class, clamored for a second class.  We have now scheduled a third class for next month. I think that is positive feedback from our fellowship for Howard Pearlman and these classes.


















Photo by Don Brooks

Photo by Don Brooks

Big al's testimonial

I’ve been very pleased with Mr. Pearlman teaching his classes in New Life Church.  He has always been very professional in his appearance and approach. 

He has shown a Mastery of the lecture material.  His ability to present the use of deadly force in a positive manner in the church environment is excellent.

In addition, our church members who have taken his classes view it as a valued benefit.  

And he can also really shoot!

Howard demonstrating proper shooting stance.
Photo by Don Brooks

Photo by Don Brooks

Student practicing at Lone Star Gun Club
Target Half of our Laser Training Device. The other half fits in the barrel of the pistol.

Target Half of our Laser Training Device. The other half fits in the barrel of the pistol.

Portion of the Device that fits inside the barrel  in place of the bullet. Photo by Don Brooks

Portion of the Device that fits inside the barrel  in place of the bullet. 

Photo by Don Brooks

Photo by Don Brooks

Photo by Don Brooks